1535 Juniper Street

About the Home


1216 sq ft home with 432 sq ft garage attached to neighboring garage (see photos and floorplans for reference).

Energy Efficiency:

  • Solar Panels: Each home comes with a grid-tied solar system array that produces power to offset your home’s energy use.

  • Efficient Heating and Cooling: each home includes an air-source heat pump and Cove panels that provide efficient heating and cooling of the home.

  • EV Ready: Pinion Park homes are wired with a 240-volt conduit in order to reduce the homeowner’s installation cost of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.

  • Tariff On-Bill Financing. Pay off the system while you pay your energy bills.

Fast, connection-ready internet

  • Broadband Connection: connected to Clearnetworx fiber, call them the day you move in to get a plan that offers speeds between 200Mbps-1Gbps, with telephone options for VoIP and other Hosted Phone Service Options. Please visit: http://clearnetworx.com/norwood/residential/

Appliances Included:

  • General Electric Energy Star Rated: Fridge, Dishwasher, Oven/Electric Range, Mircowave, Washer and Dryer

Want a Tour? Check out the Buying Steps for more information and to schedule one!

*Available for buyers up to 160% AMI for a higher price.
