About Rural Homes

Rural Homes: For Sale, For Locals is a nonprofit pilot project that is currently building new workforce housing in rural Colorado. By integrating donated land, off-site factory-built construction, and low-cost construction finance into a toolkit, we are restructuring the way rural homes can be financed affordably for our region’s essential workforce: teachers, medical professionals, immigrants and federal employees that earn between 60-120% of Area Median Income (AMI). Our ambition is to inform and refine a model that minimizes the cost of building single-family homes so that it can be replicated and scaled across rural Colorado. By adding new building stock to a housing market that is saturated with old and dilapidated homes or inflated by vacation markets, we are addressing – head on – key determinants of public health and long-term economic sustainability in the region.

To learn more, visit the Rural Homes website using this link

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